Wednesday Wisdom

Tooled Up tips for loving parents around the world.

Skincare, #SephoraKids and Self-Esteem


Skincare, #SephoraKids and Self-Esteem

Due to one of my children’s sporting activities, I spend a lot of time at a London swimming pool, which is positioned dangerously close to a very large shopping mall. A few months ago, I popped in at about 4.30pm to grab a few essentials, and found myself battling through hordes of tweens and teens to reach the shop I needed. Live music was booming from the upper floor, and a huge crowd was being whirled into an excited frenzy by a hype man on a thunderous PA system.

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Body Talk


Body Talk

Wednesday Wisdom readers are good people; loving people, who have likely attended a parenting talk once-upon-a-time, and ended up subscribing to these weekly musings because they have an appetite for learning and for research.

Meaningful Conversations


Meaningful Conversations

This week, Wednesday Wisdom is written by Emma Leeson, Schools Co-ordinator at SAPERE (Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education), the UK’s national charity for Philosophy for Children. Emma will be joining us at Tooled Up on May 20th for an exciting live webinar, and here she shares thoughts on how we can have meaningful and connected conversations with our children, designed to deepen their thinking.

Challenges around Change


Challenges around Change

We are seeking a new family home; a process that has reminded me of both the anxiety-inducing aspects of upheaval and of all the exciting and life-enhancing opportunities it can ignite.

Sibling Influences


Sibling Influences

A friend of mine recently asked me a question using terms I haven’t heard since I was at school. “Now that you’ve had two children,” she asked, “do you believe in nature or nurture?” It’s a question all parents must ask themselves at least once a week: how do you explain why your children are the way they are? And once a sibling arrives it gets twice as complicated. Because these two children, both made from what you might assume are the same ingredients and raised by the same parents…why are they so different from each other?

Catching Our Breath


Catching Our Breath

School holidays… they can be tricky beasts. On the one hand, it’s lovely for the kids to have a break, catch up with friends, see relatives, enjoy some downtime, and have greater opportunity to spend family time together. On the other, when children are at home (perhaps hoping for some form of entertainment from you), but ‘normal life’ also carries on, it can, at times, feel like a real challenge to keep all of the required plates spinning.

No Simple Answers


No Simple Answers

Whilst listening to the radio over the Easter weekend, I happened to tune into a conversation about smartphone usage hosted by British journalist Matt Frei. The topic of conversation was around whether phones were entirely to blame for the current mental health crisis affecting children and young people.

Brain Spring-Clean


Brain Spring-Clean

As parents, our focus is on raising our children so that they can survive and thrive in adulthood. Throughout the parenting journey, we attune to who they are, nurture their interests, provide them with love and support as well as the necessary resources to cope with the inevitable challenges that will come their way.

Wednesday Wisdom
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