Wednesday Wisdom

Tooled Up tips for loving parents around the world

Digital Detectives


Digital Detectives

Yesterday was 'Safer Internet Day', an annual event which describes itself as ‘the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety’. This year’s theme is Too Good to Be True? Protecting Yourself and Others from Scams Online’.

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Know Yourself, Grow Yourself


Know Yourself, Grow Yourself

The theme for Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 across the UK is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’, with the aim to equip and empower children and young people to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. We want children and young people to discover how getting to know who they are can help them to build resilience, grow and develop.

Preparing for All Weather


Preparing for All Weather

As I write this week’s Wednesday Wisdom, the rain is pouring down relentlessly. The sky is grey, the office is gloomy. Yesterday, hailstones thundered onto the roof and I’m not sure that the garden plants enjoyed the experience. Still, living in the South East of England, I feel that I’ve got off lightly. I certainly haven’t really experienced the full force of storms Éowyn and Herminia, which have been battering the UK and Ireland over the past few days.

The Heart's Anchor


The Heart's Anchor

We have all borne recent witness to television or social media scenes of people who have lost everything through war and conflict, and via devastating natural disasters. It has been sobering to see people sitting in the rubble of their own home, being reunited with lost relatives, animals, or clutching a few precious items in transit or whilst displaced.

Creative Futures


Creative Futures

Recently, one of our ‘Tooled Up’ schools asked us to create resources about the wide variety of careers that might be considered by young people interested in creative subjects. The request has pulled the Tooled Up team down a very interesting rabbit hole. Quickly, we began contacting all of the creative people we are lucky enough to know (and some we don’t) and delving deeper into recent research around creative sector jobs. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve found myself speaking with inspiring creatives, unearthing eye-opening research, and gaining a more profound appreciation for the value of creativity in the workforce.

Comfort Checks


Comfort Checks

I was recently reflecting on my early parenthood journey and the varying degrees of physical discomfort that my husband and I endured, entirely unnecessarily, for the benefit of feeling we were doing a ‘good job’.

Embracing and Including


Embracing and Including

Yesterday, I took a break from writing an assembly on the theme of inclusion and belonging because I was experiencing writers’ block, so I went to the cinema to see the film, Wicked. I am not ‘one for musicals’, but by the end I was bouncing out of the place, motivated to write about what I had just seen.

Christmas Present


Christmas Present

I was born in the early 80s, and whilst we actually had quite a few ‘modern’ gadgets at home (a gigantic mobile phone in what can only be described as a briefcase is an early memory), we never had a camcorder.

Wednesday Wisdom
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